The holiday season is a blend of warmth, cheer, and, let's face it, a dash of chaos. For working moms, it's like riding a festive roller coaster. The question is: how do you enjoy the ride without feeling overwhelmed at every twist and turn?
Here’s your 5-step strategy to dial down the stress & overwhelm and dial up the calm, balance & joy:
1. Own Your Power: Holidays can get overwhelming with social outings, shopping for gifts, family travel and year-end tasks. But here's the thing: you have a choice in how you react and what you prioritize. While external events might whirl around you, you are in the driver’s seat of your emotions and actions.
2. Ditch the People-Pleasing {and practice saying “no”}: While the temptation to be everywhere and do everything is real, it’s okay to choose yourself sometimes. Whether you're politely declining a dinner invite or a second serving of pie, remember: you're in charge. Learn the power of a polite "no" and prioritize your well-being.
3. Maintain Consistent “Health Habits”: Holidays can disrupt routines, but it’s about adapting, not abandoning them. Didn’t set aside enough time for your 45-minute walk? A brisk 15-minute walk still counts and can be a big mood boost! Consistency trumps perfection all day long.
4. Prioritize Your Needs: As Moms, we spend so much time catering to everyone else’s needs. Consider what YOU need and make time for it. Whether it's a cozy night in front of the fire with a book, a coffee chat with a friend, or simply getting an extra hour of sleep, carve out moments for YOU. And don’t tell me there isn’t enough time. There is, I promise ;-)
5. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify: From dinners to gift-giving, consider where you can make things easier. Maybe it’s a potluck-style dinner (instead of preparing everything yourself), a "secret Santa" gift exchange (instead of buying for every person in your extended family) or gifting experiences (instead of material gifts). Remember, it's the thought and connection that counts.
Wrapping Up:
Holidays, with all their joy and frenzy, are ultimately about connections and memories. In between the feasts and festivities, find moments to take care of both your body and soul. As you make your way through the season, remember to pause, prioritize, and embrace the ride.
Cheers friends!
For more on this topic, including 60+ ideas for holiday (experience-based) gifts for children and adults, grab my free guide here:
